Convert Simple Present Tense to Passive Voice

Convert Simple Present Tense to Passive Voice:

Learn Active and Passive Voice in the Simple Present Tense
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In the Simple Present Tense, we do not use any Helping verb Except the Negative and interrogative Sentences in which we use Does not with Third Person singulars and do not with first and second Person singulars, But when we Convert the Simple Present Affirmative Sentences to the Passive Voice we use the Helping verbs is/are/am According to the subject of the Sentence.

For Example:

Present Simple Sentence (Active Voice): I Eat the  Coconut.
Passive Voice: The Coconut is Eaten by me.

Active Voice: She Sings the Taylor Swift's songs.
Passive Voice: The Taylor Swift's Songs is sung by her.

Active Voice: They drive a Cab.
Passive Voice: A cab is Driven by them.

How to Convert Simple Present Tense to Passive Voice:

While Converting the Affirmative Sentences of the Simple Present Tense to Passive Voice, the Following Changes will happen.

  1. The Subject and the Object of the Sentences will interchange.
  2. The Helping verb 'is/Are/am' will be used in the Passive voice.
  3. The Word By will be used Just before the Object.
  4. Past Participle/Verb's third form will be used in the sentence.
  5. I convert to me.
  6. She converts to her.
  7. They Convert to them.
  8. I convert to me.
  9. We convert to Us.
  10. He converts to him.

Negative Sentences:

To Convert the negative sentence of Simple Present Tense to Passive Voice we simply Replace the Helping verb Do not/ Does not by Is/are/am and put the word Not after it.
Now we will convert the Negative Sentences of the Simple Present Tense to the Passive Voice.
 Have a look to the Examples Given Below.

Active Voice: You do not Write an Email.
Passive Voice: An Email is not Written by you.

Active Voice: They do not Play football like Renaldo.
Passive Voice: Football Like Renaldo is not played by them.

Active Voice: She Does not Eat bananas.
Passive Voice: Bananas are not eaten by her.

Active Voice: He Does not Play Kabaddi.
Passive Voice: Kabaddi is not Played by him.

Interrogative Sentences:

When we convert the Interrogative Sentences of Simple Present Tense to the Passive Voice the Subject Do/Does will be Replaced by Is/Are/am.
Have a look to the Examples given Below.

Active Voice: Does She Sing Jennifer Lopez's Song?
Passive Voice: Is Jennifer Lopez's song sung by her?

Active Voice: Do they Visit the Central Park?
Passive Voice: Is the Central Park visited by them?

Active Voice: Do you Eat the Chinese every Night?
Passive Voice: Is the Chinese Eaten by You Every Night?

Active Voice: Does he Drink the Pineapple Juice?
Passive Voice: Is the Pineapple Juice Drunk by him?

Closing Words:

Today we Study Active and Passive Voice in the Simple Present Tense with Rules and Examples that how to convert the Simple Present Tense sentences to Passive Voice.
Next Class's topic: Present Progressive Tense - Passive Voice
