Indirect Speech for Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous tense

Today we will learn about the Indirect Speech of Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous tense.

Indirect Speech for Present Perfect Tense:

If the Direct Speech is in Present Perfect tense, The Reported Speech will be in the Past Perfect Tense. It means the Present Perfect tense will change to Past Perfect tense in the Reported Speech.
The Present Perfect helping verbs 'Has' & 'have' will change to 'had'.
The verb's Past Participle form will use in Both Direct and Reported Speech.
In Negative Sentences, the 'has not' or 'have not' will change to 'Had not'.
For Example:
Direct Speech: Adele said, "she has finished her dance practice".
Reported/Indirect Speech: Adele said that she had finished her dance practice.

Direct Speech: They Said, "we have started a new workshop".
Reported/Indirect Speech: They said that they had started a new workshop.

Direct Speech: He said, "I have not achieved my dream of Becoming a scientist".
Reported/Indirect Speech: He said that he had not achieved his dream of Becoming a scientist.

Direct Speech: She said, "we have eaten all the sweet mangoes".
Reported/Indirect Speech: She said that they had eaten all the sweet mangoes".

Direct Speech: I said, "She has learned the Indirect speech of the Present Perfect".
Reported/Indirect Speech: I said that she had learned the indirect speech of the present perfect.


Indirect Speech for Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

If the Direct Speech Belongs to Present Perfect Continuous Tense, The Reported speech will change to Past perfect Continuous tense. The helping verbs 'has been' & 'have been' will change to the 'Had been' while the Verb's Present Participle form will use the Additional words of 'ING'. Since and for should be placed before the Object to Determine the Timing and nature of the sentence.
For Example:

Direct Speech: She said, "we have been watching the cricket match for two hours".
Reported/Indirect Speech: She said that they had been watching the cricket match for two hours.

Direct Speech: They said, "He has been teasing the new students since morning".
Reported/Indirect Speech: They said that he had been teasing the new students since morning.

Direct Speech: he said. "I have been practicing Yoga for one week".
Reported/Indirect Speech: He said that he had been practicing Yoga for one week.

Direct Speech: We said, "She has been criticizing the Govt's new policies since March this year".
Reported/Indirect Speech: We said that she had been criticizing the Govt's new policies since march this year.

Direct Speech: I said, "They have been launching the missile since march".
Reported/Indirect Speech: I said that they had been launching the missile since march.


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