Convert Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice

How to Convert Present Perfect tense to Passive Voice?

Convert Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice
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In Present Perfect Tense, we Usually use Has/Have as the helping Verbs, but when we convert Present Perfect to Passive Voice the helping verb has/have will convert to Has Been/Have been with the Past Participle form of the verb.
The Following Changes Will Occur while Converting Present Perfect to Passive Voice.

  1. Has will change to has been.
  2. have will change to have been.
  3. Verb's third form (Past participle) will use in the sentence.
  4. By will use after the main verb and before the Object.
  5. Pronouns will change Accordingly.
The Helping Verb has been will be used with He, she, it, while have been, will be used will all pronouns except Third Person singulars.
For Example:
Active Voice: They have won the Cricket Championship.
Passive Voice: The Cricket Championship has been won by them.

Active Voice: She has completed the Homework for today.
Passive Voice: The homework for today has been completed by her.

Active Voice: you have reached the village.
Passive Voice: The Village has been reached by you.

Active Voice: They have watched the Tennis match today.
Passive Voice: The tennis match has been watched by them.

Active Voice: She has sung the Birthday song.
Passive Voice: The Birthday song has been sung by her.

Negative Sentences:

To convert the Negative Sentences of Present Perfect tense to Passive voice, we just put Not between Has been and have been (has/have + Not + been).
For Example: 
Active Voice: He has not cooked the food so far.
Passive Voice: The food has not been cooked by him so far.

Active Voice: They have not wished me the birthday.
Passive Voice: The Birth has not been wished to me by them.

Active Voice: She has not learned the Perfect Tense Passive Voice.
Passive Voice: The Perfect tense passive voice has not been learned by her.

Interrogative Sentence:

To convert Interrogative Sentences of Present Perfect to Passive Voice, we put has/have as the subject of the sentence and use a Question mark after the Subject.
For Example: 

Active Voice: Has he Washed his Shirts?
Passive Voice: Have the Shirts Been washed by him?

Active Voice: Have they learned Vowels & Articles?
Passive Voice: Have the Vowels & Articles been learned by them?

Active Voice: Has she Visited the New Zoo?
Passive Voice: Has the New zoo been visited by her?

Closing Words:

This was a detailed lesson about how to convert  Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice with examples.
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