Convert Future Perfect tense to Passive Voice

In the Future Perfect tense, we use the helping verbs 'will have' with V-3 but when we change the Future perfect tense to passive voice the helping verb will change to 'will have been' while the Past participle (V-3) will remain constant.
The Following changes will Occur when we change the Future Perfect tense to Passive Voice.

  1. The subject will Become the last word of the sentence (Object).
  2. The Object will Become the first word of the sentence (Subject).
  3. The word 'By' will be used after the V3 in the sentence.
  4. The helping verb 'will have been' will use.

For Example:
Active Voice: She will have taken the Donuts.
Passive Voice: The Donuts will have been taken by her.

Active Voice: they will have kicked the ball.
Passive Voice: The Ball will have Been kicked by them.

Active Voice: We will have to spend the money.
Passive Voice: The money will have been spent by us.

Active Voice: He will have Slapped her.
Passive Voice: She will have been slapped by him.

Active Voice: I will have Watched the full drama.
Passive Voice: The Full drama will have been watched by me.

Negative Sentences:

In the Negative Passive Voice sentences, We just Place Not Between will have Been like this (will + not +have been).
For Example:
Active Voice: She will not have Enjoyed the Opening ceremony of her Parlor.
Passive Voice: The Opening ceremony of her parlor will not have been enjoyed by her.

Active Voice: She will not have kissed the Beautiful British Baby.
Passive Voice: The Beautiful British Baby will not have been kissed by her.

Active Voice: He will not have understood the Question.
Passive Voice: The Question will not have been understood by him.

Active Voice: They will not have joined the Military.
Passive Voice: The Military will not have been joined by them.

Interrogative Sentences:

In the Interrogative Passive Voices sentences, 'will' will take place before the Subject and 'have been' will take place after the subject.
For Example:
Active Voice: Will She have Sold her new mobile?
Passive Voice: Will her new mobile have been sold by her?

Active Voice: Will they have helped her?
Passive Voice: Will she have been helped by them?

Active Voice: Will she have completed the task?
Passive Voice: Will the task have been completed by her.

Active Voice: Will the Army have caught the criminals?
Passive Voice: Will The Criminals have been caught by the Army?
